The Cost of Disengagement and How Wellness Can Help


What does that equate to in your company? Take 2 minutes to do the math now

Total annual payroll for your whole company = ___________ Divided by 19% (the average amount of actively disengaged employees) multiplied by 3.69 (to covert to dollars) = ______________ divided by 37% (the cost per $10,000 of wages)

Grand Total = __________________________


Let’s take a typical UAE company

Annual payroll (100 employee’s x 20,000/month x 123 months of the year = 4,560,000 aed

X 3.69 = $16,826,400

Divided by 37%

Grand Total = $454,767.00 DOLLARS!

That’s a lot of money!


So what Can be Done?? – Let’s get on it right now

For this article – lets focus on care and meaning and how a corporate wellness program can help you work on these areas from the inside out and then how that plays into your employees experience and engagement within your organisation.

Reminder – it WILL require a 10X approach and mindset to achieve great engagement in your company but isn’t worth it, you’re probably spending a 10X amount of effort and willpower, time and resources fighting the disengagement and the associated BIG problems that are popping up in your organisation right now.


Care and Meaning – Making Inroads to your engagement problems with these two critical areas of focus using a corporate wellness program…….


This is one of the most misunderstood areas of employee engagement only because managers have lost sight of what care and meaning is within a corporate setting, the way to clear this confusion is to realise it’s not really very different to care and meaning at home and in one’s personal life.


People have an innate human need to feel cared for and to feel that they are contributing to something that is above purely doing good for him/herself.


It’s the basic human drive that has propelled us through the renaissance, the industrial revolution and into the information age with the countless improvements to the world as we know it.



Kind Regards,


Tim Garrett.

Corporate Wellness Co

(00971) 052 699 3955

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