How to Increase Engagement Though Wellness


So I think you’d agree that a sustained and consistent 10X effort is needed to create great engagement within a company and we believe having a corporate wellness program can be one key part of that puzzle.

We are not going to cover subjects like culture and business practices,

What we will do is look at how a corporate wellness program can help you achieve the very noble goal of great engagement.


Did you know that according to a Gallup survey…

…19% of your workforce will be actively disengaged? This means they are doing things on a daily basis to make your company less competitive and derail your engagement efforts? That’s not to mention doing as little work as possible.

Did you know the average cost is $3700 per $10,000 of employee wages, that’s considerable and of course in some cases it could be huge, who knows if the famous BP oil spill could have been prevented if it were not for an actively disengaged employee?

In a later article we are going to do the maths, but for now you already know that’s a lot of money.


For this article we are going to focus on arguably the biggest two areas that a wellness program can focus on – Recognition and Rewards.


Let’s delve into recognition, you know its amazing what you can see with a super corporate wellness program, it really is, I guess you must have to be there to truly experience the depth of engagement that the participants experience, and I am not just talking about while they are participants in the wellness program, its their whole work experience that is impacted massively.

A wellness program at its heart is designed to have an extremely positive impact on people and their quality of life and to do that every person needs to be recognised as a mental, physical and spiritual being.

There are 2 ways that recognition will be felt in a wellness program and that will depend on the number of participants. If it’s a large-scale program it will be nearly all virtual – apps and software. If its small scale, generally less than 400 people there will be a lot of interaction between the organisers and the participants.

And…when you get recognition right you are a long way along the road to employee engagement in your company.

In terms of recognising your employees unique contribution and hard work toward your companies goals you may think the one to one interactions within a wellness program win hands down each time but we’ve seen an increasing amount of success using technology to increase engagement.


Let me give you some examples:

  • You’re on a program and you hit your daily calorie target for the first time in years, your wellness app comes up with a push notification and what seems like a personal message from the corporate wellness program founder congratulating them on meeting their target and he tells them how proud of them he is, how would you feel about that?
  • Your Fit Bit starts shooting starts and rockets because you’ve hit your 10,000 daily steps goal, it always feels good trust me😊
  • You can see your progress over time, you see that generally you are getting better and better and improving week in, week out, your recognised by your app for doing great and that increases your motivation to continue doing well.


When it comes to a program with consistent 1-1 touch points there is a ton of engagement going on in different ways:

  • Each person is assigned a coach and when that coach is great at their job and a good person a powerful bond is formed, a bond that can propel someone on to great things both in health improvements and their personal life due to being healthier and happier.

After all they are on an important journey of self-improvement and self-discovery and that person is the conduit for that journey, how do you think that relationship will turn out – deep or superficial?

These two people alone are considered a community and a community is where shared goals are achieved and milestones met and people connect with each other in a positive way, this in turn increases employee engagement and the employee experience in your company.

So, how would that relate to engagement in your company? Well it says a lot about your ethics and care and love for your team, an employer who cares enough about their team to offer such an amazing benefit is seen more and more as family and happy families are full of deep engagement.

So there’s two elements of employee engagement and the employee experience that can be increased considerably by a world class wellness program.


For more information about how we can help you, your team and the people that are under your care – your team get in touch.


Did you know we offer an 105% money back guarantee?

…Minus third party costs if you don’t achieve a 5% reduction in your health insurance premiums and get over an 85% score in your wellness program engagement survey?

Don’t let ‘focusing on the urgent but unimportant’ distract you from contacting us, your teams lives and your business performance is under threat.

Kind Regards,


Tim Garrett.

Corporate Wellness Co

(00971) 052 699 3955

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